We've fucked them, we've been fucked over by them: It's the fuckboy episode. For those of you who haven't come across the term or the boys themselves, you may be asking yourself, what is a fuckboy? This is a guy who is only out for hookups, who will lead you on and pretend to care for you. He will say what you want to hear to get pic/sex out from you. He will not commit to plans, but will sweet talk you to worm his way back into your life. In summation, he’s a manipulative asshole who will say anything to get what he wants and doesn’t care if he crushes your soul.
Raise your hand if you've caught on to the spooky October horror theme we've been serving up in the last couple of episodes. Fuckboys are pretty scary, but the scariest is yet to come! While you marinate in our terrifying cliffhanger, let us share with you some of the tidbits from our fuckboy research. Read on, if you dare...
Fuckboy Drinks (not so accurate, but a lol)
Haunted Summer (the movie Vanessa couldn’t remember)
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